Tips for buying a sewage pump

Bombas de agua residuales

A sewage pump is often used in construction. For example, to drain the water from heavy rains, which can create large puddles that interfere with work activities.

In addition to construction, homeowners can also be affected by large floods of sewage in cellars or basements. It is likely that in that case they will be forced to use a sewage pump to solve such a situation as quickly as possible.

Wastewater pumps are available in different types and sizes, and each pump has its own characteristics.

Are you looking for a sewage pump? In this post you will find some useful tips that you should keep in mind before making the purchase, so that it fits as much as possible to your needs.

Aspects to consider when buying a sewage pump

Permeability of suspended solids

The most important aspect of a sewage pump is its permeability to suspended solids. Suspended solids can be of different sizes and not all pumps can handle all sizes.

Larger suspended solids can cause serious damage to the pump. For example, when the pump inlet is blocked by a suspended solid, the pump runs dry and could overheat, with all the negative consequences that this entails.

Therefore, always make sure that the wastewater pump you buy can handle the largest suspended solids that will be in the wastewater you intend to drain. Our sewage pumps can process suspended solids from 10 to 50 mm in diameter. This is clearly indicated in each of the sewage pumps.

When fecal matter is processed (for example, in a manure or toilet installation), we recommend using a specific wastewater pump for this type of material; since it has very specific characteristics.

Pump capacity

That is, the maximum amount of water that a pump can process per hour. Differences in height affect the capacity of the pump. The greater the amount of water that needs to be transported, the less water leaves the pipe per hour.

Each wastewater pump includes a graph that indicates how many liters of water can be processed per hour at each height.

Each wastewater pump has a certain pumping capacity, in reference to the maximum amount of water that the pump can process per hour. Do you need to pump a lot of water in a short time? You must choose a high capacity water pump.

Pump height

The maximum height at which water can be pumped. This is equal to the pressure at which the pump processes the water. For example: 40 meters equals 4 bar.

All sewage pumps have a maximum pressure they can reach. This pressure determines the maximum height at which water can be pumped. Using a simple calculation (10 meters = 1 bar), the amount of pressure in the pump can be determined.

These are the main characteristics that must be taken into account when buying a sewage pump. If you have any questions, you can contact us. In Aiguapres we are specialists in water pumps with 35 years of experience in the sector.

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